Saturday, 28 November 2015

Fishing for my Phobias.

Riding on the coat tails of my 26/11 post I will begin choosing my phobias, because I want to get as many answers as possible I have posted these images into three places, one on my own personal facebook page, on my Year Groups private facebook page and into a facebook group open to the public. I enjoy posting into groups where nobody knows the nature of my work so I can get unbiased responses, also there is more of a chance of a better varied age group as most people I know in uni are around the same age. I noticed with my survey that as the older the generation goes, so the types of phobias change with what was going on more in that era.

Each of these images have different phobias that I feel are represented with each torture device, I want the responders to choose three phobias from the list that they think are the most prominant. I will then look over their responses and see if I feel they are what I thought aswell then those will be the three I select.


I didn't really get as much feedback as I wanted ... I'm a little disappointed. What feedback I did get was really helpful though so thank you to the people that done it if you are reading this!

These ones are for the Pear of Anguish.

These for the Iron Maiden.

And these for the rat torture.

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