Thursday, 14 April 2016

Final Face Iterations

After going through my feedback asking for opinions on my characters facial features, there were some points that I chose to follow but there were a few choices where it was too sporadic to make a final decision so I went with gut instinct and these are the results.


Pear of Anguish: I wanted to have cogs on the face but I really couldn't make it work from the front so I went with the metal strips, if I wanted to go with the final piece having the mouth open the metal strips would work better and show more than a mask or cogs would let. (I'm still a little iffy about the final look I think I need to add a pinker cheek and a brighter red as the face is so white, there will be a powedered wig aswell so I'll have to play around with colours as I create hair.)

Iron Maiden: The results were fairly varied with this one so I went with a combination of my two favourites, I really loved the headpiece on this 5th one I created but I didn't think it felt too Iron Maiden-like, this has the spikes and a piece of fabric to play with the medieval clothing. I asked for people who were claustrophobic to give their opinions on having the eyes showing and a friend, Harriet, said she could see the terror in the eyes and the feeling of being trapped so I went with the eyes showing.

Rat Torture: I went with my friend Maxine's opinion most with this character as she suffers really badly from tryphophobia, she said that the red bites worked better than the buboes unless there were more of them, so I added the buboes to the neck and combined two to create the final image. I love the black eye and done this to play off the merging of the rats and the female and adds to her rattish look.

The next stage now I have my faces is hair for the rat and pear ladies and then clothing. I want to experiment a bit with lighting to maximise the creep factor, I have a thing with my style where I shy away from harsh shading as I'm always worried about making my work messy.

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