Sunday, 3 January 2016

Self Evaluation.

Today is hand in day and marks the end of BA3a ... sad times! Any research that is missing from this blog is now inside of the Research and Design documents I will submit as this research will be clearer and in order.

Now for my own self evaluation of how I handled this project and the tasks.


I was very happy with my project work. I love the nature of my project and for the first time at university and am really happy with how the project is going, being able to be true to myself after my failure in Year 2 really fills me with so much promise as I take this work into the next stage. I also discovered that I could overcome my own phobias, having to expose myself to the things that scared me the most made me feel braver, I have a feeling this bravery will carry through into my designs. Being able to let myself go has done wonders for my skills and how I react to having to do work.

As always, I let time get the better of me, start of term went very slow, the lack of guidance and lessons this term has made me slow up in terms of work production. I also underestimated how fast time had gone even though it felt like it was going slowly. By the time I realised this it was almost too late, though this is something I will take through with me to BA3b. I will be stronger with myself and not allow myself to be distracted by frivolous activities.

I really let myself down with the tasks, I started out with a lot of interest in them, but as the weeks went on I didn't consider them as important as my main project, even though I still feel like they aren't and I felt that I was not allowing myself to fully engage with the main project (as there were all these little tasks breaking into my thought process). Though I did end up loving the pieces I created, especially the Treehouse and the Insect.

For the first time with any project I really felt I had improved with my essay writing, and for once, I finished my essay long before anything else, I found having a project that ran alongside the essay was one of the reasons I felt more interested in it, and also I was writing about a topic that really interested me which also helped.

If there would be anything I would have changed about this project, I would have gone to more life drawing sessions as, due to timetabling, our group missed a fair few, I myself only getting to one of them. Next term I will actively attend more sessions and will explore more into colour on black. I would also look to sticking to my timetable more. Having the timetable was very handy but as normal I leave it in a folder on my computer and generally forget about it. Next term I will probably have a copy stuck on a wall by my computer to always have it visible.

Overall I feel this has been a good learning curve. For me this was one of the hardest projects, juggling this project with side tasks for the first time, alongside bouts of insomnia and newfound anxiety attacks defiantly made it a difficult time. But I feel stronger having come out the other end with a strong project to carry through to BA3b.

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