Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Understanding my Boss Characters.

  • Look into similar game bosses
  • Look into what history they belong to
  • Create a backstory for them
  • Why do they look the way they look?
  • What type of game would they belong to?

I feel the idea needs a name, I came up with 'Mind Games' because the idea behind the story is that the main character would feel he is being affected mentally by these monsters using his phobias against him, hence Mind Games, here is a definition below.

mind games a course of psychologically manipulative behaviour intended to discomfit another person or gain an advantage over them.'

Game Type. 

Game type will be survival horror genre, in a similar vein to Silent Hill, Dead Space and Bioshock.

Story of why the objects became human.

Guy has several phobias/fears
Stuck in a building surrounded by torture devices
Something goes wrong …
Devices come to life as half devices/ half monsters that match his phobias between them
Must escape the devices and their minions whilst trying to regain composure.
Is what is happening real or is it all mind games?



The Pear of Anguish: Rips orifices and dislocates jaw bones. 

The Pear will be inspired by 1700’s French fashion, the actual pear itself goes back to the 1600’s so it would have been around at that time period. She will feature the traditional fashion of panniers and stays, powderpuff wig, heavily made up face with beauty spots and corseted waist.

To work with the metallic image of the pear of anguish I will be using a steampunk style, and using metallic colours, her mouth will have been repaired with metal pieces/cogs to help stop it flopping around. The already thin waist will be accentuated with the French corset to highlight how thin the character is. Visually the character will have a hanging jaw and her mouth will be ripped to the cheeks. The character has lost the ability to use her jaw due to it being broken, therefore she has lost the ability to eat and cannot drink well. She will have the symptoms and appearance of someone suffering with Anorexia, symptoms of which are …

  • Losing a lot of weight
  • Feeling weak and have less muscle
  • Finding it hard to concentrate, being in a bad mood
  • Growing soft, fine hair on the body and face
  • Having poor circulation, feeling cold
  • Having dry, rough or discoloured skin, hair falling out
  • Sleeping problems
  • Being dehydrated

Creating some background for this character, based on what the pear was used for, I want this character to be some kind of prostitute or a harlot, who was tortured after having been caught having an affair with a married rich man who died after being tortured by the pear of anguish

In monster form her name would be “Anjou” which is a European pear.


Iron Maiden: It's an upright sarcophagus with spikes on the inner surfaces. Double doors open on the front, allowing entrance for the victim. Once inside, the doors were closed, the strategically placed short spikes would pierce vital organs. The victim would linger and bleed to death over several hours.

The Iron Maiden (taking artistic license with it as supposedly it wasn’t actually used) will be inspired by Medieval times, she is going to feature a predominant headpiece, body covering robes in dark shades and will be locked up to play off of cleithrophobia.

To work with the enclosing iron maiden I will be looking to make the clothing overshadow the frame of the body, lots of structured clothing that hides the body. With the metal nature of the iron maiden the colours will be silvers and greys with splashes of red for blood. I want to show that under the metal is a human inside, I want to do this either by having sections of the body on show, and the bits that are covered with holes in them, the head area I want to be very extravagant. As the spikes may not be showing I want to use these as weapons of some sort.

Creating some background for this character, based on what the Iron maiden would have been used for, I want this character to have been put inside the maiden because she was harbouring a criminal who was trying to perpetrate treason, instead of giving her torturers the relevant information she died inside the iron maiden due to blood loss and was forgotten about.

In monster form her name would be “Claustrum”. This is from the name for Claustrophobia, Claustrum is Latin for ‘lock, bolt’ plus phobia 


Rat Torture: Rats may be used to torture a victim by encouraging them to attack and eat them alive. The "Rats Dungeon" or "Dungeon of the Rats" was a feature of the Tower of London "A cell below high-water mark and totally dark" would draw in rats from the River Thames as the tide flowed in. Prisoners would have their "alarm excited" and in some instances have "flesh ... torn from the arms and legs".

Rat torture will be inspired by the Elizabethan era. The character is based on ladies-in-waiting, so will feature clothing that is of good quality and features aspects of royal court life.

To work with this very device-less torture I will be emphasising on the rats and the buckets that were used to hold the rats in place. I want to combine the Elizabethan ruffs with this to create elaborate sculptures on the body. The body will be more revealed with this character, to replicate the eating of the stomach I will have a hole through the body, where rats live instead of having organs and gore showing. The body will be covered in rope and strappings where the bucket once was playing on the merinthophobia. At least one limb will still be bound and useless. The body will be covered in clusters of rat bite, buboes and sores to replicate trypophobia

Creating some background for this character, based on the time period and the method of torture, the character would have been a lady-in-waiting for a high up Elizabethan Lady. Much like the iron maiden character torture was used to extract information. Implicated in an assassination attempt on the Queen, the character was placed by the River Thames and tortured to death via rat bucket, whilst in the company of the rats she acquired the plague.

In monster form her name would be “Bubónica”. This is taken from the Spanish for Bubonic Plague, linking in with the disease that came from the fleas that rat carried with them.

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