I also wanted to explore shapes more and found Alchemy is one of the best ways to do it, I always struggle to do silhouettes in Photoshop as all my silhouettes end up very human and stick man-like. Alchemy give me that certain inhuman shape I am looking for with these torture device characters.
There were the results.
I wanted a little more of a rounder shape for some as the Pear of Anguish has the curvy bell shape to it and because it is also a very benign device, it doesn't look threatening. The Rat Torture and Iron Maiden are a little more harsh because of the nature of the devices, I went with more spiky shapes and more square because for the Iron Maiden its a bulky object and must be represented as such visually, the spikes because of the inside of the Iron Maiden. The rat torture also features spikes to represent the bucket that held the rats, these can be developed further in Photoshop to make them bigger when I do my values and colours.
I'm not sure if I want to do any more with the silhouettes, I got a lot of nice shapes here and I need to stop being so obsessive with them, Nigel said do hundreds but I honestly don't think I can.
In anatomy we've started adding leg muscles, it's really progressing quite nicely. It's so fascinating watching it all come together! I'm still rusty with all the technical names, but I can start to recognise particular muscle groups during weekly bouts of watching wrestling so it must be impacting me somewhere!